
The Cosmos shell is an interactive IPython session with useful modules already imported. It is a very powerful way to explore, manage, administrate and debug your workflows. It is highly recommended to interactively explore your workflows using an IPython Notebook

As a convenience, wf will be the most recent Workflow when you launch into the shell.

To launch the shell, just run:

$ cosmos shell /path/to/database.sqlite
$ cosmos shell sqlalchemy_database_url

Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 21 2016, 20:22:53)
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In [1]: wf.stages
[<Stage[1] Hello>,
 <Stage[2] World>]


The list of the workflows list will become stale if another process runs a new Workflow. Either restart the shell, or re-run the Sqlalchemy query:

>>> workflows = list(session.query(Workflow).all())

Delete a Stage and all of its Descendants

When you’re developing workflows, things inevitably will go wrong. More often than not, it is useful to fix a particular Stage and restart the Workflow from there. This avoids a lot of unnecessary re-computation of Stages that weren’t affected by your code fix.

>>> wf.stages[4].delete(descendants=True)
# or
>>> for stage in wf.stages[4:]: stage.delete()
# or
>>> wf.stages[2].task.delete(descendants=True)

Note that setting delete_files=True can be slow if there are a lot of files to delete. Usually it’s better (especially in development) to set delete_files=False and just have the next run overwrite the files.

Getting a Stage or Tasks Descendants

>>> wf.stages[4].descendants(include_self=True)
>>> wf.stages[3].tasks[0].descendants(include_self=True)

Manually Altering Attributes

>>> wf.stages[0].name='My_New_Stage_Name'
>>> for wf in workflows[-6:]: wf.status = WorkflowStatus.successful
>>> session.commit() # write all changes to database so that they persist.  Always do this after you're done modifying objects.


Launch an IPython shell with useful variables already imported.